We are proud to work with some of the finest coffee growers in the world. Here you can learn a little more about our partners, their farms and, their history in coffee.
Ademilson Noiman Borges
Winner of the 2017 Brazilian Fair Trade competition, Ademilson is also a founding member of the Fair Trade Associação dos Produtores do Alto da Serra (APAS), internationally recognized for their quality.
Dério Brioschi
Though only in his 20s, Dério consistently produces some of Brazil’s best coffees and has the trophy case to prove it. His best coffees are a wonderful exploration of sweet and bright, setting the bar for what Brazilian coffees can be.
Francisco Guimarães
The Guimarães family came to coffee from the grain business bringing paradigms and technologies that have led to consistent quality and quickly establishing them as one of the premier quality producers in the Cerrado region.
Alessandro Alves Hervaz
A founding member of APAS and winner of numerous competitions, Alessandro has established his Honey & Coffee brand as one of Brazil’s most consistent producers of high-quality Mantiqueira de Minas coffees.
Antônio Rigno de Oliveira
Cup of Excellence winner Antônio Rigno de Oliveira has been producing coffee for over 30 years in Chapada Diamantina, a region he was key in establishing as one of Brazil’s best for coffee quality.
Sebastião Afonso da Silva
From humble beginnings—he is one of over 20 children in a family of rice sharecroppers—Sebastião has established Sítio Baixadão as one of the world’s top coffee farms, winning numerous awards including the Cup of Excellence.
past featured growers
Henrique Cambraia
A pioneer of the specialty coffee movement in Brazil, Henrique early on established Samambaia as one of Brazil’s premier coffee farms, and he continues to raise the bar 25 years later with innovations in quality and sustainability.
Ibraim Chaib de Sousa
Ibraim and his wife, Marly Dias, both come from families who have been growing coffee in the Carmo de Minas area for the last six generations. For the last 35 years they have owned and operated Fazenda Condado.
Diogo Dias
A former Cup of Excellence winner, Diogo and his Fazenda Recreio were at the forefront of the specialty coffee movement in Brazil, and he continues to produce clean, sweet, citric coffees year after year.
Tuca Dias
Though from a traditional coffee-growing family in the Vale da Grama, Tuca was raised in the metropolis of São Paulo before returning to the farm and bringing with her innovative ideas on quality and social mobility.
Tomás Eliodoro
An Agronomic Engineer by trade, Tomás worked for decades as a technical consultant, pioneering techniques such as Zero Harvest before returning to farming full-time at one of the highest altitude farms in the Cerrado.
Samuel Mangia
Brought up in the stone and granite business, Samuel moved to São Paulo to pursue a career as a civil engineer before returning to Baependi to follow his passion—not stones, but coffee—with Sítio Serra da Careta.
Gil César de Melo
Born and raised on his grandfather’s coffee farm, Gil long had coffee in his blood before starting Espigão do Palmital in 1995, an award-winning farm in the Cerrado known for its sweet and full-bodied coffees.
Yuki Minami
Yuki is a fourth-generation coffee grower. Her great-grandparents emigrated from Japan to the coffee fields of São Paulo before buying a farm in Paraná. Her parents were pioneers in bringing coffee production to the Cerrado.
Gabriel Nunes
A Cup of Excellence winner, Gabriel is on the cutting edge of coffee quality with his exploration of genetics, crop management, and post-harvest techniques that yield unique drinking experiences.
Luis Fernando Saldanha
Having confronted the challenges of growing coffee below the Tropic of Capricorn for two decades, Luis is one of the most advanced coffee growers in Brazil and his coffees are some of the most coveted in the world.